Little Heath School

Our School

Little Heath School is a special school for children with Autism, learning difficulties and complex needs aged between 11-19. The curriculum we offer our pupils is a wide and inclusive one, offering subject specialist teaching to GCSE level for those suited to this, to a more developmental curriculum for pupils who will benefit most from that.  For many pupils we will offer a mixed curriculum to those who will benefit from elements of both these models. As a school we enjoy many excursions such as horse riding, sailing and trips to the community.

School Organisation

Little Heath School is organized into three primary key stages:

  • Key Stages 3 (Year 7 – 9)
  • Key Stages 4 (Year 10 and 11)
  • Key Stages 5 or Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13)

For each key stage, there is a designated Key Stage Leader and a Lead LSA responsible for coordinating the activities within their respective key stage.

Pupils are typically grouped into classes based on their abilities, needs, and potential. Consequently, some classes may include students from different year groups.

Within each class, a teacher and LSAs collaborate to ensure the safety, well-being, and delivery of a personalised curriculum tailored to meet the needs of each individual pupil under their care.

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