Little Heath School


Parents and carers have a legal duty to ensure your child gets a full time-education. Usually, that means going into school from the age of 5 to 16.

At Little Heath, Parents and carers are expected to:

Ensure their child attends every day the school is open except when a statutory reason applies.

Notify the school as soon as possible when their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness).

Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance.

Book any medical appointments outside the school day where possible.

Please read our attendance policy for further details



Weekly Attendance Data:

Week beginning Attendance
02/09/2024 88.8%
09/09/2024 92.5%
16/09/2024 91.0%
23/09/2024 89.1%
30/09/2024 93.0%
07/10/2024 91.8%
14/10/2024 89.2%
21/10/2024 88.3%
28/10/2024 Term break
04/11/2024 89.4%
11/11/2024 89.8%
18/11/2024 89.6%
25/11/2024 88.4%
02/12/2024 83.8%
09/12/2024 85.5%
16/12/2024 83.8%
23/12/2024 Term break
30/12/2024 Term break
06/01/2025 87.9%
13/01/2025 88.1%
20/01/2025 89.2%
27/01/2025 89.5%
03/02/2025 89.0%
10/02/2025 86.8%
17/02/2025 Term break
24/02/2025 90.0%
03/03/2025 89.5%


The average attendance percentage for the whole school for the academic year to date is currently:



At Little Heath School, we believe that good attendance and punctuality are essential for every pupil’s learning and social development. Pupils who arrive late miss valuable opportunities to start the day positively with their peers and engage in early learning activities.

School Opening & Registration

  • The school gates open at 8:30am.
  • Pupils should aim to arrive by 8:30am.
  • Registration starts at 8:45am.
  • The morning register closes at 9:15am.

Late Arrivals

  • Pupils arriving between 8:45am and 9:00am will be marked as ‘late’ (L) but will still receive a present mark.
  • Pupils arriving after 9:00am will receive a ‘U’ code (unauthorised absence for that session), unless they arrive on school transport.
  • Persistent lateness may result in a meeting with the Education Welfare Officer to address concerns and support improvements in punctuality.

Drop-Off Arrangements

  • 08:30 – 08:50: Parents/carers dropping off pupils should use the main school car park.
  • 08:30 – 09:00: Pupils arriving by School/LA transport will be dropped off in the West Ham car park, where school staff will receive them.
  • After 08:50: Parents/carers should use the West Ham car park, where staff will be on duty until 09:05.

We appreciate your support in ensuring pupils arrive on time, ready to learn.